Why should I go to church?
I’m a good person. Isn’t that enough to get me into heaven?
Do I need to clean up my act before I can go to your church?
If I visit your church, will I have to stand up and introduce myself?
I don’t look or act like church people.  Will they look down their noses at me?
I don’t own any fancy clothes.  Do you have a dress code?
I like to wear my cap all the time.  Can I wear it in church?
I’ve never been in a church before. How will I know what to do?
I don’t have much money.  What if I can’t afford anything for the collection?
What if I want to bring my kids with me?  Will they be welcome?
Why does your minister wear those robes?
I was taught that if I attend a different church, I’ll go to hell. Is that true?
Do you pray to Martin Luther?
Martin Luther was condemned as a heretic.  Are Lutherans heretics?
Why can’t everybody who attends your church go to communion?
Is Jesus really present in your communion, or is it only a symbol?
What is the Missouri Synod?  Is that like a diocese, with a bishop?
Who does your church report to?  Where does the money go?
Why are your ministers allowed to marry?
If I join your church, will I be required to tithe (give 10% of my income)?


I believe God is everywhere and I can talk to him whenever I want. Why should I go to church?
A church service provides you with valuable gifts you can’t get anywhere else: the assurance of the forgiveness of sins, a sermon by a trained minister who teaches and explains the Bible, and the opportunity to receive the gifts of God in Baptism and Holy Communion. Jesus established a church so that sinners could have a place to receive His gifts.Top

I’m not perfect, but I think I’m a good person. That should be enough to get me into heaven, shouldn’t it?
According to the Bible, no. God says in his Word that no one–no one–is good enough to get into heaven. That’s why Jesus Christ had to die on the cross, to pay the price for us and save us from our sins. Only by repenting of your sins, being baptized and believing in Jesus can you get to heaven. It has never been about how good you are, it’s about Jesus and what He has done.Top

My life is pretty messed up. Do I need to clean up my act before I can go to your church?
That’s a common misbelief. God isn’t looking for perfect people, because there are none. Come to church now, just as you are, and soon God will start fixing your life for you. We are all broken in some way. Church is a place where Jesus comes to be among us, His broken people.Top

If I visit your church, will I have to stand up and introduce myself?
No. That puts unnecessary stress on visitors, so we don’t do that.Top

I don’t look or act like church people. Will they look down their noses at me?
Good question! No matter where you go for the first time–a bowling alley, club meeting, or church–people may look at you strangely, only because you’re unfamiliar. As with anything, there’s a learning curve. After a while, you’ll realize that the other people in church may not be as different from you as it seems at first. Jesus welcomed all and His people are to do the same.Top

I don’t own any fancy clothes. Do you have a dress code?
Our regular members wear everything from jeans and T-shirts to office casual. Your presence is more important than what you wear.Top

I like to wear my cap all the time. Can I wear it in church?
People are to remove their caps in church as a sign of reverence and respect for God’s House. Look at it this way: When you attend a Memorial Day or Veterans’ Day ceremony honoring our military who sacrificed their lives for our freedom, you remove your cap out of respect for them. Jesus Christ sacrificed his life to free us from sin, so he deserves our highest respect and honor.Top

I’ve never been in a church before. How will I know what to do?
Don’t worry about doing the wrong thing. You can watch the other people and stand and sit when they do, or simply sit through the service. Also, our pastor gives directions on when to sit and stand. Most of our members follow the service in books which are provided in the pews.Top

I don’t have much money. What if I can’t afford anything for the collection?
That’s all right. There’s no obligation for visitors to give.Top

What if I want to bring my kids with me? Will they be welcome?
Of course! Children are always welcome. If you need to use it, we have a mothers’ room in the rear of the church. Feel free to borrow activity bags for your children as you come in. The activity bags are hanging in the church entry way (lobby).Top

Why does your minister wear those robes?
Our church is a liturgical church. The order of service follows a pattern. The pastor’s attire also follows a pattern. The robe sets him apart as the pastor and symbolizes his baptism into Christ. He is a sinner like everyone else but his sin is forgiven in Jesus – like everyone else. His clothing is an “object lesson” of that truth. The pastor is given the responsibility to share the Good News of Jesus through his preaching and teaching, even his attire can remind us of that.Top

The church I was raised in taught that if I attend a different church, I’ll go to hell. Is that true?
No. What saves or condemns a person is not their church membership but trusting in Jesus Christ, the Son of God and His gifts for their salvation. Wherever the Word of God is taught that centers in Jesus Christ and Him crucified for us – there you will find God doing His work of saving His people.Top

Do you pray to Martin Luther?
No. Martin Luther was a man who wanted the church of his day to go back to the central teachings of the Word of God.Top

Martin Luther was condemned as a heretic. If I attend your church, will I be a heretic too, and go to hell?
Martin Luther was condemned as a heretic not by the Word of God but by words of men. The judgment of salvation or condemnation belongs to God alone. God makes salvation possible through the gifts of Jesus Christ for all who believe.Top

Why can’t everybody who attends your church go to communion?
Communion is a great gift of God for His people. The Word of God teaches that people should know and understand what communion is about before they partake of it. Because of the value and importance of this gift we provide instruction for people before they partake of communion. We ask that they refrain from receiving communion until they have been instructed. In the meantime, people are invited to receive a blessing from the pastor at the communion rail.Top

Is Jesus really present in your communion, or is it only a symbol?
Jesus teaches us in His Word that He is truly present in His supper. We receive in this gift the body and blood of Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins as He commanded.Top

What is the Missouri Synod? Is that like a diocese, with a bishop?
Good question. The Missouri Synod is a conservative denomination of Lutherans that share the same beliefs about the Word of God and its gifts. They are united by their beliefs. Having a group – a synod – allows congregations to share resources for mission work and the spreading of God’s Word.Top

Who does your church report to? Where does the money go?
Each congregation is operated independently. The congregation owns its building and property. Offerings are received to help care for the work of the pastor and the unique ministries of that congregation. The congregation elects church members to administrate the finances of the congregation.Top

Why are your ministers allowed to marry?
Our Lord designed marriage and the Word of God does not forbid this design for pastors.Top

If I join your church, will I be required to tithe (give 10% of my income)?
There are no required offerings. As the Word of God works in people’s hearts they desire to share the blessings they have received. The church provides an opportunity to share the blessings of Jesus with others. Giving and generosity are privileges Christians share so that the Word of God can spread.Top